10 Tips to Navigating Difficult Conversations at Work featuring Rebecca Weaver


HRuprise Founder & CEO Rebecca Weaver was featured in Ladies Get Paid’s blog post titled 10 Tips to Navigating Difficult Conversations at Work.

Tip #5: Focus on the impact. To prevent them from getting defensive, Rebecca Weaver, 20-year HR veteran and founder of HRuprise, an organization that provides HR coaching directly to employees, suggests using the framework of “Situation, behavior, impact.” For example, you were in a meeting (the situation), your manager yelled at you and pounded their fist on the table (behavior), and it made you question your ability to do your job (the impact.) When you talk to them, put it in the construct of “when you do this, this is how it affects me.” Some of the impacts can be “I didn’t understand where you were coming from,” or “I didn’t fully understand the point you were trying to drive home.” It doesn’t necessarily have to be how it made you feel since that can put you in an even more vulnerable position that a lot of people are willing to go, especially in a situation like this.

Click here to read the full article on Ladie’s Get Paid.





Episode 04: Human Resources is human too.


Episode 03: Benefits are the ultimate equalizer.