Episode 04: Human Resources is human too.



“We are employees just like you,” says Kristina Minyard, founder of HRecruit LLC and co-host of BakedHR. BakedHR is a Youtube channel and podcast hosted by Kristina Minyard and fellow HR professional Jazmine Wilkes about the behind-the-scenes realities of working in HR.

Through the use of clever memes and relatable Instagram reels, Kristina and Jazmine are pulling back the curtain, dispelling common HR myths, and helping to humanize HR. They maintain that a good HR department has the best interests of both the company and its employees in mind. Kristina and Jazmine explain that there is a lack of information about what HR’s true purpose is, and the two aim to bridge that gap for people outside of the HR profession.

Tune into this week’s episode of Problem Performers as Kristina, Jazmine, and host Rebecca Weaver tell it like it is, no holds barred. Learn to leave your preconceptions at the door as they break down common myths about HR and debate where HR’s loyalties truly lie.


  • “There is just not enough information out there about what HR’s purpose is and how to identify good HR and how to get better at HR.” (6:22 | Kristina)

  • “You cannot convince me that if you don’t, as a human, care about other peoples’ basic human rights, that you’re going to be good at HR. And when you refuse to take a stand on important issues like that, that impact who we are as whole people in this world, then you're not ready to provide this function as a support to businesses.” (15:12 | Kristina)

  • “Our purpose is not just to protect the company. And I think we hear that a lot. We see that in advice. "Don't go to HR. HR's not your friend." We're not here to say we are your friend, but we're here to define our role for you, and tell you what you can use us as a resource for. And understand that if it's probably good for you, then it's probably good for us too. We don't own the company. We don't have any special privileges that you don't have. We are employees just like you. We just have different tasks that we're responsible for.” (23:19 | Kristina)

  • “Is finance your friend? Is recruiting your friend? Why is it directly tied to human resources, in which someone should be your friend? If you make friends at work, great. If you can set those boundaries and you can have that relationship, and they happen to work in HR, then fine, go for it. But that does not make the department of an organization your friend. And why are we going back and forth with just the conversation of, ‘Is HR your friend?’ And not anyone else or any other department in the organization?” (26:33 | Jazmine)

  • “I get it. Everyone has not had a great cookie-cutter experience with HR. I get that some people don't understand our true function of what HR is, and that's what leads to the "HR isn't there for your protection." However, I feel like that backfires a lot, because then employees who've never given HR the chance hold information in. And then when something happens or a blowup happens, it's, ‘Well, what did HR do about it?’ HR didn't know about it. I can't do something about something I don't know.” (36:15 | Jazmine)

  • “One thing I tell employees all the time, at least for me, is, ‘I'm going to give you every piece of information that I can. Because I want you to truly, when you leave my office, I want you to understand. Whether you think it's the correct way or the wrong way, I still want you to understand the decisions that have been made.’ If that gets the company in trouble, then that's something that the company is going to have to deal with.” (37:09 | Jazmine)


Follow on BakedHR Instagram and YouTube.

Jazmine's social media: @HRjazzy

Kristina's social media: @hrecruit

HRecruit, HR & Recruiting consulting: hrecruit.co

Connect with your own confidential HR coach at www.HRuprise.com.





Episode 05: Neurodivergence can be a superpower.


10 Tips to Navigating Difficult Conversations at Work featuring Rebecca Weaver