DE&I isn’t an add on – it’s the whole damn building.


Written by HRuprise founder, Rebecca Weaver.

Even with the best intentions, it’s way too easy to compartmentalize diversity into a niche spot in company thinking – eg. diversity hire, diversity training program, diversity office. 

The good news? Early-stage companies have a unique opportunity to build diversity, equity and inclusion into the very foundation of their operation, right from the get-go.

By building your company culture on a framework and foundation of DE&I, you can replace superficial tokenism with a profoundly inclusive, meaningfully diverse cultural ethos at every level of your operation.

In traditional environments, DE&I represents a disruption to the status quo. If it’s not embraced, centered, and fully integrated into company life, it can end up feeling like an awkward niche that doesn’t really “fit."

It’s a bit like building a modern addition on the side of an historic house. It contrasts the main structure, adds something new – but nothing about the main structure really changes.

But leaders of startups, small businesses and pre-HR companies have a prime opportunity to bring DE&I into the very heart of their culture design, right from the start. 

How? By implementing radically human company policies that proactively support diverse voices in leadership, decision-making, hiring, safety, PTO and benefits.

If you rely on status-quo models for your company policies, you will perpetuate a status-quo company culture. You can do better, for your business and your people.



Rebecca Weaver is the Founder and CEO of HRuprise, a marketplace that connects people with HR coaches to help them grow, develop, and navigate their toughest workplace challenges. LEARN MORE




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