Moxielicious with Alexia Vernon Podcast: Create an HRuprise with Rebecca Weaver

From Moxielicious:

In the first episode of Moxielicious season 3, I’m joined by Rebecca Weaver, the Founder and CEO of HRuprise. HRuprise is a platform that connects people with HR coaches to help them grow, develop, and navigate their toughest workplace challenges. After 20 years of working in HR roles for Fortune 50 companies to startups on the cutting edge, Rebecca grew frustrated with just how much is stacked in favor of the company, including the role of HR. Rebecca created the HRuprise platform to level the playing field for employees. It’s HR that works for employees, not the company.

As a speaker, thought leader, and HR disruptor, Rebecca is soul-stirring – as you’ll discover for yourself.

During our candid conversation, Rebecca and I discuss how:

• Rebecca’s history of working in HR for some of the U.S.’s biggest companies and most innovative start-ups led her to start HRuprise

• A new paradigm for HR can work for employees (and not just employers).

• HRuprise is disrupting HR by providing opportunities for HR professionals to serve as coaches for employees who deserve and hunger for HR advocacy and support they are unlikely to receive inside their organizations.

• HR policies often protect perpetrators of harassment and prevent transparency and workplace healing and growth.

• Coaches, HR professionals, and business leaders who care deeply about ending racism, sexism, heterosexism, ableism, and other forms of systemic oppression can move beyond allyship to taking on institutionalized workplace inequality and harassment.

• A breast cancer diagnosis radically shifted the last year of Rebecca’s life – while amplifying her commitment to growing HRuprise.

• Healthcare, like so many industries, is ripe for disruption – particularly when it comes to integrating more compassionate, humanizing care for patients.

Resource Mentioned in This Episode:

• Learn more about Rebecca Weaver and HRuprise at and connect with her on Instagram and Twitter @hruprise.

• Grab my new (free!) and super timely digital guide on landing corporate speaking and training opportunities as a coach/consultant at

• Connect with other coaches, consultants, trainers, and business leaders in the Spotlight Speakers Salon Facebook Group.


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