How to Request a Flexible Schedule if You're a Working Parent


In this Q&A-style article from HelloGiggles, HRuprise founder Rebecca Weaver shares tips for how busy parents can ask their employers for a more flexible work schedule.

HelloGiggles: How can parents communicate that they need to work from home because childcare is not an option?

"It’s best to speak to your direct manager first. Explain your situation and be specific with what you’re asking for: Do you need to continue working from home while the office is opening back up? Do you need a modified schedule for work? Are you unavailable for calls during certain times of the day?

"Explain that you’re highly motivated to do the job well, but that you’re currently constrained. Also, ask what is being done for other parents right now. It will be helpful for you to know whether there is a company-wide direction or whether decisions are being made at the team-level. This will also help you to know whether you need to involve other people if you run into resistance with your request.

"Also, keep a record of your conversations and what was agreed to (or not). Send the request by email, or if you speak by phone/video call, send a follow-up email to your manager confirming what was said. Regardless of the outcome, it’s useful to have these conversations documented."

— Rebecca Weaver, founder of HRuprise

Click here to read the complete article on the HelloGiggles website.





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