Episode 10: Our time is the most valuable thing we have.



“If you want to change your life, you have to chase a feeling,” explains Katrina Kibben, HR and recruiting expert and CEO of Three Ears Media. In today’s episode of Problem Performers, Katrina discusses the Great Resignation, the international trend that is occurring as people discover the power they have to change their lives by leaving toxic work environments behind.

As a trans and non-binary person, Katrina is no stranger to feeling like an outcast. They explain that they created their company, Three Ears Media, in part because of an experience of being labeled a “problem performer” in a previous job. Katrina now lives and travels in a converted van while running their company, something they always wanted to do, but that felt unrealistic until the pandemic shifted work culture. They describe to listeners the importance of listening to your gut no matter what, especially when it comes to breaking out of an unhealthy or unfulfilling job.

Tune into this week’s episode of Problem Performers for a conversation with Katrina Kibben and host Rebecca Weaver about embracing your differences, following your gut, and reclaiming your power. Learn more about what is commonly referred to as “The Great Resignation” and what it means for employers and employees alike.


  • “We say that work has changed. We say that we’re upgrading, that we have higher value on people, that we’ve changed our culture, but we haven’t changed a lot of the artifacts that represent the culture of the company. Job postings are of course one of those artifacts and it’s really fascinating to look back 40, 60, 100 years and realize how consistent the job postings still are despite the world being very different now than it was 100 years ago today, yet we haven’t changed the currency of recruiting. We haven’t changed the job posting. It’s the one thing that everyone has and you really shouldn’t be hiring or firing without it.” (6:08-6:53)

  • “I’ve actually come to believe that people who struggle in traditional environments, it’s for different reasons and typically it’s because there’s not good infrastructure around leadership.” (15:26-15:38)

  • “I work with a team of people who tell me daily how traumatizing other work environments have been for them. To the point where I have to talk them through not working, or realizing that it’s OK not to turn on their camera…People having immune attacks, and saying, ‘Well, I just wanted to get through our call.’ And I’m like, ‘You go to the hospital!’” (20:26-20:55)

  • “I literally have been on a call during an emergency, where the emergency happened while I was on the call, and I waited for a quiet moment to tell them I was leaving…that is not okay. It is not okay, from the depths of my heart. It kind of makes me want to cry, to even admit that I lived like that. That I thought that work was more important than literally my physical wellbeing.” (21:03-21:34)

  • “We told ourselves for many years that we were the only ones, that we were taking it wrong, that we needed this to survive. And all of a sudden the market flipped, the tables turned, and the job market is a wide open field. You want to go? Run. You want more money? Go get it. You want better hours? Shoot for the stars. You want to go remote and ask for all this? Live your life! And all of a sudden people are like, “Wait, I get to set the terms?” Hey, newsflash. We always had the power to set the terms.” (22:34-23:12)

  • “Time is the only thing we cannot buy, trade or sell. It is literally the most valuable thing we have.” (25:58-26:11)

  • “If you want to change your life, you have to chase a feeling. If something does not make you feel the way you want to feel, you will not change shit. Nothing. Not one fucking thing will change about your life if all you do is try to say, “Oh yeah, I’m just doing the thing and I followed the rules.” If you had to follow the map, the map is not the answer. The feeling is the answer.” (30:42-31:15)

  • “If your gut screams, ‘Oh my god, this project is going to suck,’ it is going to suck. You should say no. No matter the amount of money.” (34:55-35:03)

  • “I’m trans and nonbinary and I grew up in a military family so I know what it feels like when you don’t fit in anywhere.” (38:09-38:15)


Read Katrina’s blog at https://katrinakibben.com.

Follow them on social media @katrinakibben. (Twitter | Instagram)

Connect with your own confidential HR coach at www.HRuprise.com.





Episode 11: When employees work less, they achieve more.


Workplaces need to address the school closure crisis.